Her love of art began in childhood when the Louvre Museum was her Kindergarten. She started working in the sphere of fashion, music, luxury and entertainment from a young age, and was an artistic director and graphic designer for a lot of different projects, companies and artists such as:
Chanel, Dior, Givenchy, Armani, Rex Club, Palais de Tokyo, Colette Store, Ed Bangers record, Busy P, Justice, Kavinski, Miss Kittin, Karl Lagerfeld, André aka Mister A., Space Invaders, Pharell Williams, Sophie Marceau, Vanessa Paradis, Steve Aoki…
Curious, hyper active and full of ideas, she also had her own concept store in Berlin Mitte: The Optimistic Store . Always looking to learn more and develop, she perfected her skills in photography &video and started working with iconic musicians and figures of the Berlin scene, as well as other international artists.
Check out more of her work: https://www.ykygalore.com/
More info & details: info.agnblck@gmail.com